3 min readNov 3, 2020


When we initially set foot in cryptocurrency with the concept of Walletreum a few years ago, our primary goal was to bring about a sustainable business, coupled with a highly beneficial platform for users, which would benefit them more than other platforms with similar concepts; we wanted to find a way to maximize yields for the users, regardless of market conditions. We had looked into algorithmic trading as a method to hedge funds in bear markets and maximize gains in bull markets, which is when the concept of Walletreum and all of its components were born. Algorithmic trading refers to computer programs or systems that are executing trades on the market based on a specific code or set of rules, which are usually used in stock markets, and today, on cryptocurrency exchanges well.

The system uses mathematical equations and statistics and takes advantage of them by partaking in arbitrage trading opportunities across a wide range of assets on exchanges. With cryptocurrency being more volatile than the stock market and not closing like traditional markets, algorithmic trading must be adapted to the environment.

Walletreum’s most significant product, ALGON, works as a fund manager for Lenders and Borrowers on the platform. ALGON works in synchronicity with the Lending service; lenders lend their assets to ALGON, and ALGON returns the amount lend in APY. Borrowers take loans from ALGON and pay APR to ALGON, while ALGON repays their crypto assets, minus the fees.

When lenders lend with Walletreum’s ALGON, it allows lenders to offer loans to borrowers, and in the process, yield profits for their holdings. Typically, lending platforms do not consider the depreciation of assets in the case of bear markets. Walletreum’s team took this into full consideration to prevent the depreciation of assets for the platform users. Lending with ALGON can yield profits even in bear markets, instead of holding assets in depreciation.

Using our Lending platform, users can withdraw their yield, which they earn daily, at any time they choose. Users can also unlock their lent assets before the lock period until 30th November 2020 and pay a small fee to unlock their lent amounts before the lock period ends after 30th November 2020. If the lender unlocks their lent amount before the lock period ends, they do not earn referral commissions that they would, had they left their lent assets locked. In bear markets, users can withdraw their assets in the equivalent value in stable coins, whereas in bull markets, users can withdraw in the deposited cryptocurrencies.

With the help of ALGON, borrowing via SAFE Credit allows users who borrow via Walletreum without fear of depreciation, without having to sell their cryptocurrencies, without KYC, with minimum APR costs, as well as no depreciation in a situation of a bearish scenario in the market. The APR of 4.3% and ALGON give users of Walletreum an advantage over most other Defi Lending platforms.

