Walletreum (WALT) Staking Overview

5 min readSep 23, 2020


Dear Walt Community Members,

We are releasing Walletreum’s Web-Based Staking in coming weeks. In today’s post, we are sharing critical information on the structure, rewards, and requirements of Walt Staking. We look forward to officially launching staking in the coming weeks!

General Overview

We are proud to announce the first of the many partnerships that lie ahead. By teaming up with Ferrum Network, all Walt participants will get to use Ferrum Network’s Web-Based Staking mechanism and enjoy immense benefits.

As we make better-than-expected progress on the development of the Walt protocol, staking was moved from the first quarter of 2021 to this month!

Walt Staking is similar to a savings account — it offers constant time-based returns based on staking time. That means that the longer you stake, the higher the rewards. That may seem basic, but Walt Staking unique in many ways.

First, it is pool based. Meaning it is a group activity with multiple contributors for each staking contract.

Second, it is flexible. You have the option to withdraw early, stake until full maturity, or withdraw midway.

Finally, it is strategic. Meaning if you stake until full maturity, and others in your pool withdraw early, you will receive a portion of their rewards.

There will be three staking pools: Silver, Gold, and Diamond. The terms of each staking pool (rewards, lengths, minimum contribution, etc.) are detailed below.

We will publish a full “how-to stake” guide in the coming days, but the concept is pretty simple. Just connect your ERC-20 wallet to the contract, deposit your Walt into the pool, stake until you wish to withdraw, and then withdraw to have your principal and rewards sent back to your wallet. It’s as simple as that!

Requirements for Staking

Here are the requirements:

Metamask: Walt Staking requires the ERC-20 wallet extension Metamask. When you install it, it will automatically link to our staking contracts. This is the wallet you will contribute from and where rewards will be sent to upon withdrawal.

Our team would be happy to assist you in setting up a Metamask. Just contact us directly through our site or social media.

Walt Minimum: So that nearly anyone can participate in WALT staking, the minimum amount to stake is 500 WALT. There is no maximum.

Keywords and Unique Features

Walt Staking has some unique benefits: early withdrawal, forfeited/redistributed rewards, and additional rewards for reaching full maturity.

Limited Time to Contribute

Upon opening the staking pools, there is a limited amount of time to contribute. Upon expiration or reaching the full capacity of the contract, contributions are permanently closed. We will track progress with a bar to show the status of the contract at any given time.

Full Maturity

We recommend staking Walt until full maturity to receive maximum rewards. Keep track of the date and time assigned that demonstrate when full rewards will be available for withdrawal.

Besides, if you stake until full maturity, you are more likely to receive additional rewards from those who withdrew early.

Early Withdrawal

There will be an early withdrawal option with a set date and time assigned for flexibility.

Keep in mind that rewards are lower for early withdrawal, and they increase linearly every day. The closer you get to the date of full maturity, the higher the rewards will be.

Forfeited and Redistributed Rewards

Walt Staking pools with each have a predetermined amount of Walt that remains constant throughout the process. Those who leave early won’t affect the state of the pool but will receive less Walt, while the proportions of the remaining stakers will increase.

Therefore, the stakers who remain the longest time will earn more than just the maximum APR; they will also earn a share of rewards left behind by those who stopped staking. In this sense, Walt Staking offers an element of equal distribution and incentivization.

The Staking Pools

There will be three staking pools: Silver, Gold, and Diamond, each with different terms

Here’s how staking with Walt and Ferrum will work:

Total allocation: 7 million WALT

Total Number of Pools: 3

1. Diamond:

a. Allocation: 4 million WALT

b. APY: 45%

c: Full maturity: 2 months

d: Early Withdrawal: 35% APY

e: Early access will be available after 30 days

2. Gold:

a. Allocation: 2 million WALT

b. APY: 40%

c: Full maturity: 3 months

d: Early Withdrawal: 30% APY

e: Early access will be available after 45 days

3. Silver:

a. Allocation: 1 million WALT

b. APY: 35%

c: Full maturity: 2 months

d: Early Withdrawal: 25% APY

e: Early access will be available after 30 days

What’s Next

We are actively working on updating our website with a countdown timer to mark the days until the staking pools open. We will also release a step-by-step guide explaining how to stake Walt.

Stay tuned for the opening up the staking pools for the contribution!

Thank You

We want to give a special thanks to our community and partners for support. The Walletreum team has been actively working towards launching the staking pools within the next 1–2 weeks.

Launching the product remains our top priority, and we are continuously working on its improvement.

We look forward to officially launching the staking in the coming weeks!

